
Saturday, October 27, 2007

Your Auto Accident Insurance Loss - Dealing With Your Company On A Disputed Loss

When you disagree with your insurance company, about a claim, you have options you can use without going to court.

#1. If your agent is unable to solve your problem, get the name and phone number of your insurance companies Claims Department. It's usually an 800 number. Call and ask if they have a Consumer Complaint Department? Most do. If so, talk to them because they may be able to help you. Don't hang up until you get the specific name of the person with whom you spoke. (Make a note of the person you talked with and hold onto that until you've finished with your dispute).

#2. Be ready to support your case by sending a covering letter (to that individual whom you spoke with) which contains all the documents you have to back up your position.

#3. All insurance companies have either an �Appraisal Service� or �Arbitration Service� to help settle differences and/or disputes. Your policy should explain these options.(If you can't find either of these ask your agent to find them for you)!

#4. If you've followed their rules for resolving your dispute, and you're still not satisfied, your own state's insurance department should be able to help you.

#5. If, after hearing from your own insurance company's people (your confident that you've not been handled properly) you should call 1 800 942-4242 ( a toll-free Consumer Information Service) sponsored by the insurance industry.
Trained personnel are available to assist consumers who have complaints. THIS �HELP LINE� OPERATES ON EASTERN TIME, MONDAY THRU FRIDAY, 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM.

#6. ALSO: An �Independent Arbitrator�, who allegedly has experience in insurance problems, can decide if what you've been told (or offered to settle your claim) is fair. You can get to them by calling THE AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION 1 212 484-4000 or they can be contacted (via the internet) at .

#7. MEDIATION: More often than not the Mediator does not have the authority to make a binding decision or issue an award to either party. The mediator only recommends a solution.

Mediation is a solid first step because it can negate the need for further expense on both sides. The first thing you should do is check the language in your auto insurance policy where it will spell out who will mediate (and/or arbitrate) a claim. You should submit a DEMAND FOR ARBITRATION FORM to whoever is listed in your policy. On that Demand for Arbitration Form you can specify whether you want �MEDIATION� or �ARBITRATION�.

DEMAND FOR ARBITRATION FORMS are available from your state's Department Of Insurance, or you can print a copy of a Demand Form from the American Arbitration Association's web site - - which can be found (as I've listed above in Number #6) at .


A. Mediation is much less expensive than Arbitration.
B. The Mediation Decisions are only considered to be advisory. However, The Arbitration Rulings are absolutely binding!
DISCLAIMER: The only purpose of this article �YOUR AUTO ACCIDENT INSURANCE LOSS - DEALING WITH YOUR COMPANY ON A DISPUTED CLAIM� is to help people understand the motor vehicle accident claim process. Neither Dan Baldyga, Peter Go nor ARTICLE CITY make any guarantee of any kind whatsoever; NOR do the purport to engage in rendering any legal service; NOR to substitute for a lawyer, an insurance adjuster, claims consultant, or the like. Where such professional help is desired it is THE INDIVIDUALS RESPONSIBILITY to obtain said services.

Dan Baldyga's third and latest book AUTO ACCIDENT PERSONAL INJURY INSURANCE CLAIM (How To Evaluate And Settle Your Loss) can be found on the Internet at or This book reveals �How To� successfully handle your motor vehicle accident claim so you won't be taken advantage of. It also goes into detail regarding BASE (The Baldyga Auto Accident Settlement Evaluation Formula). THE BASE FORMULA explains how to determine the value of the �Pain and Suffering� you endured - - because of your personal injury!

Copyright (c) 2005 By Daniel G. Baldyga. All Rights Reserved

About The Author

For over 30 years Dan Baldyga was a Claims Adjuster, Supervisor,Manager and also a trial assistant. He is now retired and spends his time attempting to assist those involved in motor vehicle accident claims so they will not be taken advantage of:

Your Auto Insurance Company For Extra Money?

Most people, once they have an auto insurance company, simply just let their current policy renew and renew without checking to see if maybe they can get a better deal somewhere else. If that describes you, maybe you would look into exploring your options if you knew how and painless it really is. This article will show you just how easy the process is.

Shopping for a new auto insurance company The easiest and quickest and as a result the most painless way to shop for auto insurance is to go on the internet. Many companies can give you quotes 24/7 on their websites. You can also get contact information for a particular auto insurance company on their site and call them up on the telephone. When considering switching companies, the first thing to do is to get comparison rate quotes from several companies.

You do want to be very truthful about all your information so that you can get accurate quotes. The company will find out about any accidents, claims or traffic tickets anyway, so don't try to hide anything. Also, when you get comparison rate quotes, make sure you compare the coverage you have with your current auto insurance company to what is available with any new company so that you can make a comparison that makes sense.

How to switch Once you have found a new auto insurance company and purchased your new policy you must cancel your old policy. If you don't cancel your old policy the old auto insurance company could assume you wished to continue your insurance with them. They would be expecting to receive premiums from you. When they don't receive those premiums they would eventually cancel your policy due to unpaid premiums and report your lack of coverage to the Department of Motor Vehicles of your state. This could affect your credit and your ability to get a new auto insurance policy.

Canceling your old policy is easy. Usually, all you need to do is to inform your old auto insurance company in writing, telling them when you would like the policy cancelled. They will then send you a form to sign and return, which in effect will cancel your policy.

One thing to note Do not cancel your policy from your old auto insurance company until the insurance is actually in effect with the new insurer. This way you avoid any lapse in coverage. However, nowadays there is little chance of that happening. Most states require all drivers to carry a minimum amount of insurance and your old auto insurance company will probably require you to show proof of insurance before they will cancel an active policy.

When you switch is very important The best time to switch to a new auto insurance company is when the current policy is about to expire. When you receive your policy renewal notice from your current auto insurance company is the best time to switch. This is usually about a month before the current policy is actually going to expire. It is during this period when you can switch insurers without incurring any fees or penalties.

Also, because it is so close to the end of the policy term you would avoid trying to figure out the amount of unused premium that you are due from your old auto insurance company. You also avoid arguing with your insurance agent about exactly when you cancelled and how much the auto insurance company owes you.

But yes, you can cancel outside of the 30 day period If after taking into account the fee or penalty you may have to pay you may find that you still would get appreciable savings. So, while it is best you switch within that 30 day renewal period, you can actually cancel at any time.

Are you ready? That's all there is to it. Just think of all that extra money that could be coming your way if you follow these simple guidelines.

About the author:

Joe Folger with his extensive insurance experience writes for and further information about almost any particular auto insurance company can certainly be found there.

Your Insurance Claim - Medical Insights And Expenses

There's nothing that has a greater impact on evaluating a personal injury insurance claim than the damage done to your body, the medical bills that are a direct result of that injury and the �pain and suffering� you were forced to deal with.

Besides botching up your body (and sometimes your love life) what else does the injury mean to you? It means a ton of financial expense's, including repairing your car, lost wages, a shock to your life style, a tremendous inconvenience and short or long periods of pain and discomfort - - all of it a direct result of your injuries.

Plus, there's a long list of possible medical expenses. For example: Doctor/Chiropractor, Prescription Drug Bills, Ambulance, Emergency Room Care, Hospital or Clinic, Specialist and/or Dentist, Laboratory Fees and Services, Diagnostic Tests, X-Rays and (CT) Scan, Prosthetic Appliances or Surgical Apparatus (Canes & Crutches), Physical Therapy, Registered and/or Practical Nurse Fees, Gauze and Tape, Ace Bandages all of which the insurance company must pay whether they like it or not!

Also, Creams, Lotions, Ointments, Balms and Salves, etc. (Should the lady in your life apply any of these to your aching body I'm sorry to tell you this but her labor is not an expense you can claim).

YOU MUST BE COMPENSATED BY THE INSURANCE COMPANY FOR ALL OF THE ABOVE: It's true that a very small percentage of auto accidents cause big, serious injuries but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be paid big, serious bucks!

EXAMINATION BY THE INSURANCE COMPANY DOCTOR: Claims Adjuster Henry Hard-Nose of Rock Solid Insurance will usually try to pull a fast one insisting he wants you to be examined by the physician of his choice, the local medical con-man of all time, Dr. Nuttin' Wrong. Beware of such a request. Doctors assigned by the insurance company are notorious for stating, in the report they're paid big bucks to execute, "There is no objective basis", for your complaints.

You don't have to agree to be examined by Dr. Nuttin' Wrong. Rock Solid Insurance cannot insist that you submit to their doctor for an examination unless your claim actually becomes a formal court case. So, hold your ground until your attending physician, Ole �Doc� Comfort, has released you. After that it's okay to agree to be examined because by then it's too late! So much time will have passed it will be impossible for Dr. Wrong to minimize the pain, discomfort and suffering your injury has caused you.

WHAT TO DO ABOUT YOUR MEDICAL BILLS IF YOU MAKE THE MISTAKE OF OBTAINING LEGAL HELP FROM ATTORNEY I. M. SHARP: Should yours be a case in which there's no question that you're not at fault, make it clear to the Legal Beagle you've hired, I. M. Sharp, Esquire, that you expect his Contingency Fee will not apply to that which he recovers for the damage to your car, your medical bills, and/or your payment for lost wages. You tell him these are damages you would have collected ANYWAY - - whether he was handling the case for you or if you settled it yourself. Don't you dare be foolish enough to hand him a huge percentage of that which you were going to be paid by the insurance company, whether Attorney Sharp handled the case or not. To do so is the height of financial stupidity!

YOUR BODILY INJURIES: It's a proven fact that the vast majority of motor accidents cause minor injuries. While bodily injury pain can be specifically measured the limits of what you can endure cannot. Each of us has a different "pain threshold" - - that is, the point at which we begin to feel physical pain. The amount and quality of pain you feel is not strictly dependent on the bodily injury inflicted. It has a lot to do with your previous experience, how well you remember it, and your ability to understand what caused you that pain, and its consequences, the last time around.

Stress and strain magnify physical pain plus personal anxiety will greatly increase it. There are also emotional reactions to the injury. A bodily injury is bound to cause some degree of mental distress. The duration and severity that depends on a number of factors: The type of individual you are, the ultimate consequences of the injury you sustained, and the life stresses or strengths you're experiencing at the time of your injury. (If you can't stand her and she takes a powder you'll handle your pain better if you really dig the chick and she dumped you for your best friend)!

When it comes to muscle injuries one thing you must keep in mind is that when one part of the body demands rest (by sending out a pain signal) and - - without your even realizing it - - you help your body by placing a new burden on other muscles. It gets complicated because although those muscles may not have been directly injured in the accident, they can still get buggered up and produce a lot of pain because of their new role.

DISCLAIMER: The only purpose of this claim tip is to help people understand the motor vehicle motor vehicle accident claim process. Neither Dan Baldyga nor ( ??? ) make any guarantee of any kind whatsoever; NOR do they purport to engage in rendering any professional or legal service, NOR to substitute for a lawyer, an insurance adjuster, or claims consultant, or the like. Where such professional help is desired it is the INDIVIDUAL'S RESPONSIBILITY to obtain said services.

Dan Baldyga's latest book, AUTO ACCIDENT PERSONAL INJURY INSURANCE CLAIM (How To Evaluate And Settle Your Loss) can be found on the internet at or visit your favorite bookstore.

Copyright (c) 2002 by Daniel G. Baldyga. All Rights Reserved

About The Author

For 30 years Dan Baldyga was a claims adjuster, supervisor, manager and also a trial assistant. He is now retired and spends his time attempting to assist those involved in motor vehicle accident claims so they will not be taken advantage of.